NVIDIA Jetson Edge Device 

NVIDIA Jetson is a world-leading platform of high-performance edge devices for autonomous machines and embedded applications. The small, energy-efficient computers of NVIDIA Jetson platform are specifically designed for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning applications, providing high computing power for edge computing. 

Aetina makes NVIDIA edge devices ready for industrial use 

Aetina is an Elite Partner of the NVIDIA network with exclusive access to NVIDIA Jetson products. The demanding use in industrial environments requires a robust design, extended temperature ranges as well as durability and long-term availability of edge devices. This is exactly the service Aetina offers, making the latest edge computing technologies from NVIDIA compatible for use in harsh industrial environments.

NVIDIA Jetson Modules 

Jetson modules are specialised embedded systems developed by NVIDIA and based on high-performance graphics processing units (GPUs). The modules are optimised for edge computing applications where data is processed directly at the source, i.e. close to or on the end device. 

Advantages of NVIDIA Jetson

Powerful AI Performance: Jetson modules are equipped with powerful NVIDIA GPUs that are specifically optimised for AI computations. This enables sophisticated AI operations and Deep Learning to be performed directly on the device. 

Versatility: NVIDIA offers a range of Jetson models that vary in performance, size and features. From high-performance models like the Jetson Xavier to lower-cost models like the Jetson Nano, there are options for a variety of use cases and budgets. Developer 

Friendliness: Jetson devices come with an extensive ecosystem of development and optimisation tools, including the JetPack SDK. This makes it easier for developers to create and deploy AI applications on the modules. 

Compact size: Jetson modules are compact and have low power consumption, making them ideal for edge computing. They can be integrated into space-constrained environments without compromising performance. 

Real-time processing: The GPUs and specialised accelerators in the Jetson modules enable real-time processing of data, which is critical in applications such as robotics, autonomous vehicles, industrial automation. 

Image processing and computer vision: The Jetson modules are equipped with image processing libraries such as VisionWorks, which facilitate processing of images and videos for computer vision applications. 

IoT support: Jetson devices are optimised for the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling local processing of data on the device to minimise latency and reduce network load. 

Security and privacy: Processing data directly on the device allows sensitive information to remain local, contributing to security and privacy. 

Overall, NVIDIA's Jetson embedded systems provide a powerful platform for developing AI and edge computing projects that require fast processing, low latency and data protection. They are applicable across a wide range of industries and application domains, helping developers create intelligent and responsive applications.

NVIDIA JetPack SDK Software Platform 

Jetpack SDK from NVIDIA is a software platform designed specifically for developing applications for Jetson products. The software provides a set of development tools, libraries and middleware components to help developers create powerful AI-powered projects for Jetson platforms. 

Overview of JetPack SDK software tools 

Development Environment: JetPack provides an integrated development environment for building AI models, applications and middleware on the Jetson platform. It includes compilers, debuggers and other tools to facilitate development. 

AI libraries: the software includes key AI libraries such as cuDNN and TensorRT, which enable developers to train and optimise Deep Learning models and perform AI inference on NVIDIA GPUs. 

Image Processing and Computer Vision: VisionWorks allows developers to use image processing and computer vision in their projects. This is especially useful for applications such as object recognition, face recognition and more. 

IoT capability: Jetson platforms are optimised for the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing. The JetPack SDK enables the development of applications that process data locally on the device to minimise latency and reduce network usage. 

Security and optimisation: The software provides tools to optimise and secure applications to ensure they run efficiently and reliably. 

Linux operating system: The SDK includes the Linux for Tegra (L4T) operating system, which was developed specifically for the Jetson platforms. This facilitates the integration and execution of applications. 

Overall, the NVIDIA JetPack SDK provides a comprehensive platform for the development, optimisation and deployment of AI projects from Edge products. The software tools help accelerate the development process and harness the power of NVIDIA GPUs for AI computations.

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